Sunday, 25 December 2011

weight loss?

Sorry to say that owing to a powerful liking of chocolate my weight has crept up a couple of pounds and as I am a diabetic, care is needed. I still love it though.
I just thought that I would give you some pointers as to what different  foods mean to your health and wellbeing.
You will probably knowthat micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that are essential to your continuing good health.
Vitamin A..Keeps your eyes healthy,helps ward off bacterial infection.
Vitamin B6...Helps form red blood cells. proper nerve function.
Vitamin B12...Helps form red blood cells,builds genetic materials.
Folic acid...Important in growth and development.
Vitamin C...promotes healing of cuts and wounds,keeps gums healthy,strengthens blood vessel walls.
Vitamin E.. antioxidant
Thes are just a few, more later.
Fat burning superfoods.
Asparagus, Apples and berries,beetroot,brussel sprouts,cabbage,carrots, celery,chilli peppers,garlic, greentea,onions,citrus fruit,radishes,tomatoes,soybeans
I will go into a lot more detail next time, I promise.
See you soon.

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