Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Nature knows best

Hi I have never bothered with diets. Well I love my food and I love eating but when I developed diabetes I had to pull my horns in, but I must say, not by a lot. I just started eating sensibly same as you must do. I always loved fruit and vegetables and still do and I eat quite a lot, then again diabetes comes into it, remember there is quite a lot of sugar in fruit, So take care. I read somewhere that the right time to eat fruit is on an empty stomach, so I do that. Diabetes caught me quite unawares as no one in my family had diabetes and I was not that heavy. I had maintained twelve and a half stone all through my service life and had led a very active life afterwards. I was never one for running or jogging like I see lots of young people doing, but now I have taken up some gentle exercises with dumbbells and I quite like it and helps burn off the fat and starts my metabolism working. I also learned to start off the day with a good healthy breakfast. Then eat when I am hungry even if it was three hours from breakfast, and drink plenty of water. I no longer drink tea with sugar and milk. Now I only drink Green tea I and feel great, So I go throughout the day eating little and often, then get out the dumbbells about to nine o clock for just a quarter of an hour of not too strenuous exercices.It really tones you up. After all people who know, say that dieting makes you fatter, your body knows what is about, dieting to it is like starving yourself and your body doesn’t like this, so it starts to store fat, it`s not daft you know. The starving routine sets your body into survival mode clinging on to every spare calorie and storing it as fat, Think about it. Talk to you soon Al http://averyniceman.blogspot.com

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