Friday, 30 December 2011

Diets damage health, shows biggest ever study By FIONA MacRAE Most people pile the pounds straight back on after dieting The world's largest study of weight loss has shown that diets do not work for the vast majority of slimmers and may even put lives at risk. More than two-thirds pile the pounds straight back on, raising the danger of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Indeed most dieters end up heavier than they did to start with, the researchers found. They warn this type of yo-yo behaviour is linked to a host of health problems. And they say the strain that repeated weight loss and gain places on the body means most people would have been better off not dieting at all. The findings follow other research that shows the UK is in the grip of a dieting frenzy, with one in four Britons at any one time trying to lose weight. The average woman is estimated to lose and gain 251/2 stone during her lifetime - putting on 151/2 stone for the ten stone she loses through dieting. Last night, the U.S. scientists behind the latest research - the most thorough and comprehensive analysis of its kind - said that dieting simply does not work. The University of California researchers analysed the results of more than 30 studies involving thousands of slimmers. Although the overview did not name specific weight loss plans, popular diets in recent years include the low carbohydrate, high protein Atkins diet and the GI diet, which is rich in slow-burning wholegrain carbohydrates. Pooling the results of the various studies clearly showed that while people do lose weight initially, most quickly put all the pounds back on. In fact, most people end up weighing more than they did to begin with. Researcher Dr Traci Mann said: "You can initially lost 5 to 10 per cent of your weight on any number of diets. "But after this honeymoon period, the weight comes back. We found that the majority of people regained all the weight, plus more. Sustained weight loss was found only in a small minority of participants, while complete weight regain was found in the majority." Dr Mann's research showed that up to two-thirds of dieters put on all the weight they lose - and more - over a four to five-year period. Half of those taking part in one study were more than 11lb heavier five years later, while dieters taking part in another study actually ended up heavier than other volunteers who hadn't tried to lose weight. A four-year study into the health of 19,000 men revealed that most of those who put on weight had dieted in the years before the start of the study. Bleak as these figures seem, the true picture could be even worse, as it is thought that most people lie about their weight - and don't like to tell researchers that their weight has started to creep up again. The analysis, published in the journal American Psychologist, concluded dieters may actually be damaging their health. Research has shown the repeated rapid weight gain and loss associated with dieting can double the risk of death from heart disease, including heart attacks, and the risk of premature death in general. Such yo-yo weight loss has also been linked to stroke and diabetes and shown to suppress the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to infection. Dr Mann said: "We decided to dig up and analyse every study that followed people on diets for two to five years. We concluded most of them would have been better off not going on the diet at all. "Their weight would have been pretty much the same, and their bodies would not suffer the wear and tear from losing weight and gaining it all back. "The benefits of dieting are simply too small and the potential harms of dieting are too large for it to be recommended as a safe and effective treatment for obesity." The psychologist, who advises would-be slimmers to swap calorie-controlled diets for a balanced diet coupled with regular exercise, added: "Exercise may well be the key factor leading to sustained weight loss. Studies consistently find that people who report the most exercise also have the most weight loss." The finding comes as Britain fights a rising tide of obesity. A growing reliance on fast food and time-saving technology has led to the UK developing the worst weight problem in Europe, with almost a quarter of adults classed as obese. Last night, British experts said that fad diets do not work and that the key to maintaining a healthy weight is making gradual, long-term changes. Dr Beckie Lang, of the Association for the Study of Obesity, said: "Maintaining a healthy weight isn't about going on a diet and coming off a diet when you reach your target weight. It is about adopting skills that change your eating habits for life." • CASE STUDY Mother-of-two Chris Siveter is a self-confessed serial dieter. Over the last four decades her weight has fluctuated between 11 stone and 17 stone and her dress size between 12 and 22. She first started dieting after putting on three stone during pregnancy. The pounds fell off and she fitted into size 14 clothes again for the first time in years. But her resolve did not last and she piled the weight back on. She tried countless diets including a grapefruit diet, the Atkins diet and even a Cabbage Soup diet but all failed after she went on "sweet rampages". In 2003 her weight soared to its highest point - 17 stone. Read more:

Dieting does NOT work

Diets damage health, shows biggest ever study By FIONA MacRAE

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Natures way2

Hello again Foods that aid fat burning. Calories are contained in all foods, but some need fewer calories than the number you need foe your digestion. For instance:- Asparagus …Is low in calories so has little effect. But it has a chemical that effectively assists in the removal of body waste and breaks up fats. Apples and berries…Apples and berries contain a chemical called pectin . This useful chemical limits the amount of fat your body cells can take in, so reduces your intake of fat. So, eat plenty of apples, just make sure it`s not apple pie. Beetroot… Beetroot is another food on the lower calories list. Beetroot is a great aid to your liver, helping it and your kidneys to flush out harmful fats. Brussel Sprouts…Another nil calorie effect. Eat plenty of these, they are great. Cabbage…Yet another nil calorie effect. Helps cleanse the stomach and intestines, could be a great help in breaking down fat. Carrots…We have lots of Carotine in carrots It is a form of Vitamin A Also has huge effect on your metabolism, which is a winner for your body. Celery… I love celery and it is one of the best foods you can eat. It is also very low in calories. Not only that, it also contains a number of fat-burning chemicals. I t contains magnesium and also iron that will help to clear out your system. Chilli Peppers…Chilli peppers have been known to make your heart beat faster, cause sweating, increasing your metabolism which is good. Using chilli as a flavour to your meals will also add some heat to your fat burning process and of course this is all to your bodies good. Garlic.. Another of my favourite foods, it helps with poor circulation, which is the reason I eat plenty of garlic. It also guards against fatty build up. Green Tea… And yet another of my favourites. Known as one of nature’s powerful anti-oxidants which rids your body of toxins and therefore reduces your chances of cancer, also speeds up your metabolism. If you were to drink five cups of it you could burn up 80 calories, so there. Onions…Onions contain oils and minerals. You could speed up your metabolism by just eating a raw onion a day keeping the fat at bay. Oranges,lemons,grapefruit and limes…Your metabolism is again speeded up with the consumption of plenty of citrus fruit and because they are rich in Vitamin C this makes sure that the fats within your body remain liquid rather than solid therefore preventing cholesterol from blocking up your arteries. Just like mine did, so I had to have a double bypass performed on my heart a few years back. So you see I know what I am talking about. I really do hope that these notes are a help to you Al

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Nature knows best

Hi I have never bothered with diets. Well I love my food and I love eating but when I developed diabetes I had to pull my horns in, but I must say, not by a lot. I just started eating sensibly same as you must do. I always loved fruit and vegetables and still do and I eat quite a lot, then again diabetes comes into it, remember there is quite a lot of sugar in fruit, So take care. I read somewhere that the right time to eat fruit is on an empty stomach, so I do that. Diabetes caught me quite unawares as no one in my family had diabetes and I was not that heavy. I had maintained twelve and a half stone all through my service life and had led a very active life afterwards. I was never one for running or jogging like I see lots of young people doing, but now I have taken up some gentle exercises with dumbbells and I quite like it and helps burn off the fat and starts my metabolism working. I also learned to start off the day with a good healthy breakfast. Then eat when I am hungry even if it was three hours from breakfast, and drink plenty of water. I no longer drink tea with sugar and milk. Now I only drink Green tea I and feel great, So I go throughout the day eating little and often, then get out the dumbbells about to nine o clock for just a quarter of an hour of not too strenuous exercices.It really tones you up. After all people who know, say that dieting makes you fatter, your body knows what is about, dieting to it is like starving yourself and your body doesn’t like this, so it starts to store fat, it`s not daft you know. The starving routine sets your body into survival mode clinging on to every spare calorie and storing it as fat, Think about it. Talk to you soon Al

Monday, 26 December 2011

more vitamins to browse.

Hi all

Some very good sources For:-

 Vitamin.A..Apricots, cantaloupe melons, sweet potatoes, green vegetables.

Vitamin B6...bananas, brocoli, potatoes, grains.

Vitamin B12...meat, poultry, fish, eggs. 

Folic and grapefruit juice, green leafy vegetables.

Viamin C...citrus fruit, strawberries, green and red peppers, brocoli.

Vitamin E...seeds and nuts, seafood, eggs, oils.

Research has shown that only 10-39% of calories should come from protein Most people get plenty of protein, and meet this need by eating a balanced diet. Of course we need protein for :-
  • Growth
  • Tissue repair
  • Immune function
  • making essential hormones
  • keeping lean muscle mass
Carbonhydrates are what we need in the largest ammounts, and are for:-
  • Fuel for the body
  • They are the easiest to digest for use as energy
  • Carbonhydrates can be stored in the muscles and liver, to be used later
  • A daily supply is required for the functions of your nervous system, the brain, kidneys and the digestive system.
You should also take note that I am not a doctor so please seek medical help before  you follow such advice as this. I am required to tell you this.
Talk to you soon


Sunday, 25 December 2011

weight loss?

Sorry to say that owing to a powerful liking of chocolate my weight has crept up a couple of pounds and as I am a diabetic, care is needed. I still love it though.
I just thought that I would give you some pointers as to what different  foods mean to your health and wellbeing.
You will probably knowthat micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that are essential to your continuing good health.
Vitamin A..Keeps your eyes healthy,helps ward off bacterial infection.
Vitamin B6...Helps form red blood cells. proper nerve function.
Vitamin B12...Helps form red blood cells,builds genetic materials.
Folic acid...Important in growth and development.
Vitamin C...promotes healing of cuts and wounds,keeps gums healthy,strengthens blood vessel walls.
Vitamin E.. antioxidant
Thes are just a few, more later.
Fat burning superfoods.
Asparagus, Apples and berries,beetroot,brussel sprouts,cabbage,carrots, celery,chilli peppers,garlic, greentea,onions,citrus fruit,radishes,tomatoes,soybeans
I will go into a lot more detail next time, I promise.
See you soon.