Sunday, 13 May 2007

Google`s Pay-per-click now FREE!


In what is perhaps the most shocking announcement made in some time regarding the vast world of the Internet, a New York doctor has just released a very private "secret" he's been using since the earliest days of targeted paid advertising at search engines.

He admitted without hesitation that he's gotten over $87 million in pay-per-click advertising over the last nearly 8 years at such search engines as Google, Overture, MSN, Yahoo and others, and resulting in his having amassed a $300 million fortune!

In the past 2 years alone he's netted over $166 million as a result of what he calls a very simple "oversight" promoters online have altogether missed.

So valuable this "oversight" has proven that he's finally decided to share it with the rest of us.

And his timing couldn't be better!...

- Since going public Google's ads haven't become any cheaper!
- Other paid-for search engine advertising at large is rising faster than inflation can keep up!

"Back in the day" even an affiliate could just go to some website, sign up free to sell some product (such as with Amazon stores or the vast ebooks at ClickBank) and then just place a small 4-line pay-per-click ad, fine tune it, and then sit back and make money on autopilot.

But with rising costs this is getting much, much harder, and has literally seen the demise of many, many affiliate businesses go completely under.

But now with the release of this New Englander's super-secret, webmasters, promoters, both big and small business owners, as well as affiliates with shoestring budgets are back in the game!

When asked why he kept this "oversight" secret, the New Yorker responded "I knew I had a good thing, quite possibly a monopoly over any market I cared to try ... I made a success of 16 web businesses in less than a decade ... do you honestly blame me? ..."

But now he's decided to share his know-how as he knows that doing so doesn't take a single dollar away from his $300 million fortune, and it won't cause widespread usage to the degree that it will even put a dent in search engine activity.

To be sure the good doctor had the sense to consult several Internet experts and "macroeconomists" just to be on the safe side.

Additionally, you should know that nothing about his secret either robs search engines (so you don't have to fear Google coming after you!) or is anything about it illegal in any other way.

What you may even find strangely surprising about his secret is the fact that it actually "helps" search engines make even more money! (You'll have to see it for yourself to understand how this is actually possible!)

So if you think you're smarter than most people, then here's your chance to prove it to everybody else! Just grab the good doctor's secret for yourself at:

But I feel it only fair to warn you that this doctor fellow from New England is a tad eccentric and self-admittedly "moody" and he's threatened to withdraw this secret at some point soon without so much as a single day's notice ... (Northerners!)

So if I were you I'd not take any chances because although he may keep it available for the next 2 months, he may also take it off the market just 2 days from now (and then you'll kick yourself saying "Dad-gummit! I knew I should have grabbed that when I had the chance!" ... so don't let this happen).

Also keep this in mind...
How many times since the commercial release of the Worldwide-Web have you seen sudden "breakthroughs" of great fortune-making potential come and go where just a few people were in the right place at the right time to be able to take advantage of them? -- You're right ... very, very few.

So don't overlook this email as it may very well prove to be one of the most influential and important ones you've ever received.
Al Sowerby

Wednesday, 14 March 2007



Phil again with this weeks thoughts of Chairman Mao, so to speak.Imagine, if you will, Gardeners' Question Time on the radio. Mr Bloggs from Milton Keynes phones in. "Dear Panel. I have been trying to grow roses in my garden unsuccessfully during the last five seasons without success. They all wither and die within weeks, despite watering. Can you offer anysuggestions?"

The panel then asks questions and soon discover that Mr Bloggs is planting his roses at the base of a large conifer tree. They tell him that the conifer - a shallow rooting tree - sucks out all nutrient from the soil and that the roses are effectively starved. The solution is to hack down the tree, reenergize the soil with good compost, wait a while and try again.

Now I'm not a gardener but even to the most sophisticated urbanite, this advice makes perfect sense.Now every week I get at least one email from someone telling me they either cannot think of a product or a market area they can work in. My first thought is that this is perfectly true - they can't. That's because, unlike Mr Bloggs of Milton Keynes, they simply made a statement. It wasn't a question. Mr Bloggs did not say he couldn't grow roses, he said he'd been unsuccessful thus far, and could the panel offer reasons as to why this was so. My enquirer simply said he couldn't grow roses and this is a self-fulfilling prophesy.

What he should have said is, "what am I doing wrong?" Phrasing it this way means his mind is open to the possibility he can correct the problem.So, what's the answer? The answer is that you can't grow roses in unsuitable soil. My enquirer has the mental equivalent of a forest of conifer trees in his mind, a forest that has taken many years to grow. Every motivational expert will tell you that a person is where they're at today because of all the thinking and actions they have taken in the past and that is undeniably true.
This past experience of how to do anything, including how to think, is engrained and has become a mental forest that stops new things from growing. The solution is to clear the forest.The advice of my gardening panel would be to mentally clear the forest and add tons of nutrient to the soil.

The process is called mind-flooding.Make a decision to spend one month doing nothing else in your spare time other than filling your mind with the best motivational audio tapes, CDs and books you can get hold of. Get some CDs from Nightingale Conant. Buy some classic books such as Think and Grow Rich. Spend money and really make the effort to flood your mind with good news, inspirational words and wisdom. Spend time, every morning, every afternoon, and every evening listening or reading this material. If there is a motivational seminar taking place somewhere then go to it. Really go for it.
This flood of positive information will deluge the forest of negativity in your mind and replace it with new soil. You have to stop negative weeds growing again by constantly being aware of negative 'I can't' thoughts and replacing them with new positive affermations. You cannot, and don't need to self-generate this stuff. Just release the dam of information others have prepared for you.The object is to change your mind, destroy negative habits and replace them with verdant roses, roses which will bloom into your new life, and those very speakers will make you see ideas you simply couldn't see before.
The ideas are there, but most people are blind to them. Instead, what so many people do, is to think that they know all this, that this mental mumbo-jumbo is an unnecessary diversion from the real task in hand which is to find that 'special' plan or off the shelf business that will put some cash in the bank.
The reality is that nothing will happen to the situation outside of your head, until you change the situation inside your head.What I can guarantee is that by spending a month mind flooding yourself with just some of the fantastic information available to you, you will have a much more positive and optimistic view of your own future. This in turn stimulates ideas that were actually in front of your face but you couldn't see them before.
I perform a monthly mind flood every year. Sometimes I spend thousands doing it, and it's worth every penny.BestPhilA carbon friendly transmission. The carbon footprint of this communication has been calculated at 3.2 Gigapratts. Four politicians have been planted head down in Epping Forestin order to prevent the release of further hot air.phildee ltd 2 hilton roaddisley, cheshiresk12 2juGBIf you no longer wish to receive communication from us: update your contact information:

Thanks again Phil we appreciate it.

Sunday, 4 March 2007


Hi,Another great read from Phil Gosling of Sorry that last week was bloggovisionless. It would seem that the beginning of each new year results in Denise, Sheelagh and me going to bed under doctor's orders, fortunately in sequence, not all at the same time, he added hastily.
Last week was my turn. * * * There are milestones in life that move you, lift you, place you on a higher level or on a different path. I'm not talking about the negative events but the positive ones. The trouble is that the negative ones force themselves into your consciousness, whereas the positive ones have to be 'noticed': you have to make a conscious effort to see them. A milestone that affected me not once but twice was the Luscher Colour Test. This test involves placing eight or more coloured cards in order of personal preference. I like this test because it doesn't need a degree in advanced metaphysics to do it. Indeed watching adverts on TV is only slightly less demanding.
This is a psychological profiling test and it can be illuminating or even a little scary. It certainly makes you rethink who and where you are. I did this test in the early seventies when I thought I was 'of scientific bent' and it turned out I was as much of a scientist as Fanny Adams and should have been an artist. That's when I realised, for the first time, that I liked writing.

That test changed my life. I did the test again about eight weeks ago, but on the internet, which is debateable regarding the results. The test relies on pure colours and as anyone even slightly computer literate knows, the colours shown in a browser vary from browser to browser or from screen to screen. The best test uses colour cards and can be obtained in book form (search in Amazon). Even so, I did the test.

I will not reveal to you the results of the latest test. You know I'm weird. You just don't want to know how weird. But what the results did show me was that I was off-track and as a result I have re-embraced goal setting and daily snippets of high-value, self-improvement DVDs and CDs. So, seeing as I have written a book on goal setting, had I lost faith in it? Absolutely not. I have just been reminded that even when you have reached the goals previously set, you cannot stand still. You need to set new goals, new targets that stretch your imagination even further than before.
So I do more than urge you to set goals; more than urge you to listen or watch good speakers every day. I can tell you with perfect honesty, and complete conviction based not only on years of research but on my own personal experience and that of many others I have spoken to, that if you don't have goals, you cannot attain them.
I did not say 'might not' I said cannot. It's universal law. If you don't know where you are going you'll never get there except by the luckiest of chance. And even then chance favours the prepared mind.

Dreaming and wishful thinking is not goal setting. A goal is not a dream you wish to come true. A goal is a dream you know will come true. You've probably read, or more likely skimmed through, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It's not an easy book to read because it was written in 1930s America and the language, phraseology and examples are all highly dated, as are the names used, like O. Henry (who calls their child 'O'?). But I'm reading it again and I'm getting even more out of it this time around than the first time.

The first time I was earning about 10K a year as a shipping clerk, had a net worth of minus a lot, and was desperate the break out and be independent, earning - ooh - say 50K a year. I am now a writter (Not a writer. Tolstoy was a writer.) with a net worth of plus a lot and I would regard 50K a year as a half-decent pension. And yet I'm getting more out of this book than before. Why?
Because I NOW know it's true, every bit of it. Because, reflecting back, I now know that everything I have achieved followed, if only accidentally, the advice in this book and everything I haven't achieved was as a result of not following the advice in this book. So, go take Dr Max's Colour test and frighten yourself witless. Then read Hill's epic and relax again. You can find many free downloads of Think and Grow Rich in Google.
Take time to read a little very day. You will not regret it. In Blott on the Landscape by Tom Sharpe one of the characters, a gnarled old colonel, made a very true political comment. "Old style politicians - looked stupid - were clever. New style politicians - look clever - are stupid." That's why a good place to look for wisdom is old-style stuff. Best regardsPhil "In times of radical change, the learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves perfectly equipped for a world that no longer exists..." - Eric Hoffer ...

Thanks again to Phil Gosling.

Monday, 26 February 2007

Write Stuff

It's everyone's dream, having your own top selling book paving the way to great publicity, prestige, wealth and fame giving you the freedom to finally break free of the daily grind.
When many of us consider how to learn to write a book we think back to studying great fiction writers in school where we are taught the basics of grammar and the English language. Yes, you have to know the basics of how to write, but to write an ebook or best-selling book, it has little to do with writing ability and everything to do with understanding your readers and what they want.

Of course this is good news if you don't fancy yourself a literary type, where the words just don't seem to come when you sit down to write and where adhering to the main rules of grammar and spelling are more painful than placing your hand on a hot element.
Your question of how to learn to write a book can be answered in 3 simple steps.
1. Mastering idea generation and market research. You will notice that this step has absolutely nothing to do with writing, but instead stresses the importance of knowing how to evaluate demand, uncover opportunities to provide answers to questions and understand the unerlying motivation behind common questions your readers will have.

2. Organize and Outline. It's a little known fact that non-fiction, informational books are most valuable when organized into a logical sequence of information corresponding to high demand customer questions. Especially important to mastering the organization of any ebook, book or informational product is to reverse engineer the questions that your reader will need to have answered to get from their current situation to where they want to be.
If you ask how to learn to write a book, learning how to outline your book, ebook, course or information product is the one single key to earning a fortune. Not only will it make writing your products much faster, it will open up opportunities for inexpensive ghostwriting for some of all of your books freeing your time to enjoy life.

3. Making Everything Old Unique Again. There is very little new information that exists out there, yet every month their are new best-selling books on topics where many books have been written before. Is there repetition - absolutely. Many of my clients that ask me how to learn to write a book feel they must be 100% unique in the information they provide, yet again and again top selling books contain information that largely overlaps what is already available - so why do they sell?
You may not believe me when I say this, but it is absolutely true, you only need to have one unique aspect about your product for it to become a best-seller. It is possible, and has been done many times, that all of the content overlaps with what is already out there, but is simply presented in a different way - back to the organization topic we discussed earlier.

For example, you could take the topic of traveling on a low budget, research information already available, then re-package the knowledge into your own formula - even add one or two unique experiences from your own travels and there you have it, a completely original work.
To realize our dream of becoming a best-selling author we have to know how to learn to write a book, suprisingly it has more to do with reading your market, organizing and re-packaging information in a way that is perceived as unique. With this formula, you too can realize your dreams of writing a top-selling book.

Discover hidden methods of finding red-hot ebook topics, quickly turning them into highly profitable ebooks and using these digital books to build your own online marketing empire. Free course tells you how here:
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Another idea you might like to chase up if you have the inclination to have a go at scribing. Remember they do say that everyone has a book in them. I mean even my humble self wrote a small book a few years ago, I called it " Money from Honey" all about those busy little honey bees.
However to get back to the point. I highly recomend " How to to Write and Publish your own book in 7 days, yes and publish in 7 days. All you have to do is wander over to and just have a look at it.
Talk to you soon

Friday, 23 February 2007


Using an autoresponder is pretty much a must – do in modern internet marketing. You simply must build a list, and you must build it using automated techniques.
So how long should your autoresponder sequence be?
Well, it varies dramatically depending on your purpose, but for ours and this project, you are simply going to start with a simple series of about 3-4 messages in your auto responder sequence. This will make it easy for you to learn the basics.
These emails are not designed to sell, but rather to allow your customer to get to know you. Remember, you are simply building a relationship with like-minded folks online, building an opportunity to begin to recommend your products or affiliate products on down the road. You want them to learn to like you, to trust you, to want to buy from you, and feel comfortable doing so.
Your first email should simply thank the subscriber for joining your list, indicating that you strive to maintain a quality mailing and will do your best to only send helpful information. If you have offered a free ebook or other product to first-time subscribers, you can include a link to that ebook in this email. This is certainly a get-to-know-you email.
Your second, third and fourth emails should be spaced about 4-6 days apart, and should simply be useful information for your subscribers. You can send links to additional free ebooks, to useful info on your web site, or you can simply write content with good information, and send it to your subscribers.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.
Article Source:

Friday, 16 February 2007

Just imagine!

How often do you use your imagination? Think about these quotes from famous people to help you harness the incredible power of your imagination.

1. “The power of imagination makes us infinite.” - John Muir

2. “Tomorrow’s future is shaped by today’s imagination” – Vernon Myers

3. “Imagineering = you let your imagination soar and then you engineer it down to earth.” – Michael Leboeuf
4. “Imagination is more important than knowledge, for while knowledge points to all there is,
imagination points to all there will be.” – Albert Einstein

5. “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire; you will what you
imagine; and at last you create what you will.” – George Bernard Shaw
6. “Imagination is our most powerful mental facility and the creation of new ideas is at the very heart of all progress.” – Michael Leboeuf
7. “I have always felt that the highest human expression comes in our creative endeavors, those which draw upon all of our powers of imagination, intelligence, and understanding.” – Armand Hammer

8. “Imagination is everything – it is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein
9. “In the twenty-first century, brainpower and imagination, invention, and the organization of new technologies are the key strategic ingredients.” - Lester Thurow

10. “Five minutes, just before going to sleep, given to a bit of directed imagination regarding achievement possibilities of the morrow, will steadily and increasingly bear fruit, particularly if all ideas of difficulty, worry or fear are resolutely ruled out and replaced by those of accomplishment and smiling courage.” – Fredrick Pierce

11. “Whatever strengthens and purifies the affections, enlarges the imagination, and adds spirit to sense, is useful.” – Shelley
12. “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” - Jean Jacques Rousseau

13. “To believe a business is possible is the way to make it so. How many feasible projects have miscarried through despondency, and been strangled in their birth by a cowardly imagination.” – Jeremy Collier
14. “Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all men a creative power, which, if it were available in waking, would make every man a Dante or a Shakespeare.” – H.F. Hedge
15. “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” – Carl Sagan

16. “You see things; and you say, "Why?" But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"” – George Bernard Shaw
17. “Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” – Gloria Steinem
18. “The world is but a canvas to the imagination.” – Henry David Thoreau
19. “I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -- myth is more potent than history -- dreams are more powerful than facts -- hope always triumphs over experience -- laughter is the cure for grief -- love is stronger than death.” – Robert Fulghum

20. “The soul never thinks without a mental picture.” – Aristotle
21. “There is nothing that cannot be achieved by firm imagination.” – Japanese Proverb
22. “To imagine the unimaginable is the highest use of the imagination.” – Cynthia Ozick
23. “Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future.” – Charles F. Kettering

24. “One of the virtues of being very young is that you don't let the facts get in the way of your imagination.” – Sam Levenson
25. “The great successful men of the world have used their imagination... they think ahead and create their mental picture in all it details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building - steadily building.” – Robert Collier

26. “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso
27. “Every really new idea looks crazy at first.” – Abraham Maslow
28. “First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” – Napoleon Hill

29. “Everything you can imagine is real.” – Pablo Picasso
30. “We are what we imagine ourselves to be.” – Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
31. “What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress? Imagine that you are a masterpiece unfolding, every second of every day, a work of art taking form with every breath.” – Thomas Crum

32. “You have all the reason in the world to achieve your grandest dreams. Imagination plus innovation equals realization.” – Denis Waitley
33. “Your imagination, my dear fellow, is worth more than you imagine.” – Louis Aragon
34. “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” – Jamie Paolinetti

35. “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman
36. “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein
37. “This world is but a canvas to our imaginations.” – Henry David Thoreau
38. “I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.” – Duane Michals

39. “I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel.” Peter Nivio Zarlenga
40. “Imagination rules the world.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
41. “There is a space between man's imagination and man's attainment that may only be traversed by his longing” – Kahlil Gibran

42. “Live out of your imagination, not your history.” – Stephen Covey
43. “To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.” – Albert Einstein

44. "Sometimes we think we should be able to know everything. But we can't. We have to allow ourselves to see what there is to see, and we have imagine. " - David Almond
45. "Imagination is our ability to see inwardly and picture there that which has not yet appeared outwardly. Imagination is God's gift to us." - Donald Curtis

Vernon Myers is the founder of Student of - A website dedicated to exploring ideas and creativity. Visit this site to receive the Idea Tips newsletter - a weekly email that helps you to become a better idea generator.
Need help clarifying your goals, dreams, or desires? Sign up for The Idea Journal Workshop E-Course…at no costs to you. Click Here> I Want My E-Course.

Copyright (c) 2007, all rights reserved.
You may copy, forward or distribute this article if this copyright notice and full information for contacting Vernon Myers are included. Contact him at: or email:
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I just received an email from a frustrated business owner who asked;
"How can I generate leads on a very limited budget?"
It's a question I hear more and more these days.
It is a horrible position to be in. You need the leads to make money and you need money to get the leads.

Or do you...?
This Is What I Told Him:
1/ You need to create a simple 2 page website using a software like XSitePro I honestly believe that XSitePro is one of the best lead generating tools to hit the online community in the last 3 years. It takes 90% of the hard work out of creating a professional website. The first page on this site needs to be a simple Name Squeeze opt-in form. (See and example at ) The second page... well, sign up and see for yourself. :-)

2/ Next get yourself an unlimited auto responder account with and write a series of follow up messages explaining the benefits of your products and services.
3/ Register a keyword-rich domain name and install Wordpress (available from

NOTE: use a service like to create a professional looking header graphic for your site.

4/ Contact 100 people (via telephone) in your niche market and ask them to have a guest column on your new site.
Explain that they will be free to promote their products and services so long as they also provide you with interesting, original content.

5/ Publish their articles on your blog and use an article submission software like ArticleSubmitterPro to submit their monthly articles to 900+ article directory sites.
6/ Write 3 original articles a day relating to your niche market and submit these at the same time.

7/ Use your blog to drive traffic to your XSitePro Name-Squeeze site.
The aim should be to make your blog an authority site relating to your niche. This takes time and that is one reason why you need to leverage on the talents of others. You will be pleasantly surprised at how helpful people are when you ask them for help in a polite manner.

A Possible Objection to the Above:
The first is... "But Chris, this will take a lot of time..."
And your point is?
If you have a healthy cash flow, then you can start seeing leads 20 minutes from now with any one of the Pay Per Click programs like Google Adwords.
But if money is tight - this is a viable alternative. The trouble is there are so many people that would rather sit like a stuffed potato night after night in front of the idiot box when they could be doing something to grow their business and change their hopeless situation.

Look at it this way...
Everyone in business is helped or hindered by three things:
1) Money 2) Time 3) Energy
Any time you are short on one of these three you have to increase the other two.

In other words,....
A lack of time means you will l need to use more money and energy.
A lack of energy means you will have to use more money and time.
A lack of money means you will have to use more energy and time.

These 7 steps are not a quick-fix but they do present a simple lead generating solution that virtually anyone can use to build up a steady flow of targeted traffic which in turn can generate sales leads on a consistent basis.
Like every idea, the things I have shared will only work in your business if you apply them.
Chris Bloor is a Lead Generation Specialist. he shares dozens more lead generation solutions at his Blog:
Article Source:

Thursday, 8 February 2007


Hello, here we are again on selling information as a business. The word is that selling in formation is at saturation point. Well one would think that this is a possibility but when you consider that there are millions of new bodies joining the web every day it seems an unlikely story.
People are hungry for in formation on all manner of subjects and will go to almost any lengths to get it . That is where you come in.

Find the hungry people and give them the solution to their problems even go so far as to send out a survey asking them what they want out of life. This is a good way of starting an optin

Going back to the saturation question, have you recently been into your local newsagents and perused the banks of books and magazines on show, there are masses on

every imaginable subject. So how on earth can anyone even think that is no market for information p

If the art of creating an information product eludes you, then get some one else to do it for you, Go over to freelance sites such as or Just tell them what you want and you could have half a dozen writers competing for the job . Choose the one you can most afford and the jobs done. If you are not happy with the results then tell the writer so. Simple as

You can go to the experts and pick their brains; a good example would be Liz Tomey. You will find her at At this site Liz Tomey will explain exactly what you wish to know and what you need to do. She is one bright

Many people say and who am I to disagree, that the easiest way to get started in the information business, is to become an affiliate to a business that is flourishing and cream off as much as 50 % commission. That way the seller has the worries of the website and everything is set up by him and all you have to do is tell the web about his business, in glowing terms of course, then again the sellers website will have sales letter which you

I should like to tell you about a remarkable web site you could visit which will blow you out into space. It is called Adsense Real Estate, thought up by two remarkable people, Pat Lovell and Jon D

I visited this site upon recommendation from a friend and I was very impressed to say the least. I've heard of Virtual Real Estate (VRE) and how people are making tons of money developing it but I don't have the time or skills to do it myself. AdsenseReal Estate has solved my problems; they actually build Unique Content Sites for each and every member, every month! The best part is you get to decide the Niche. The memberships are limited so get in early! Click the link below to visit the site.

You won`t be disappointed.

I am still offering a free ebook” Confessions of an Adsense Girl” 60 cut throat Questions and answers about making money on with Google Adsense .Written by the expert herself, Liz Tomey, to callers to putting free ebook in subject box.

Al Search engine optimization requires a lot of on-page and off-page optimization techniques and activities, but I will discuss only about the content related portion of it, that is, on-page optimization that you can do on your webpages.

Finding the right keywords and optimizing your website for them

The first step is to select the right keywords. Think of the keywords that your prospects will type on a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or MSN. You also need to do competitive analysis to find out the most popular keywords, and keyword competition. A perfect match would be to find a keyword that is popular and has somewhat less competition. In other words find keywords that have high demand and low supply. All the important keywords and keyword combinations should be placed in the meta tag keyword tag.

Title tags that bring traffic to your site

Title tag is the most important tag of your page. The length of title tag should less than 60 characters or 8 to 9 words. Ideally the keyword should be used in the beginning of the tag. You should not use the keyword more than two times in the title tag. Use keyword combinations in the title tags.

Meta tag descriptions to attract visitors from search engines

This tag appears in search engines results page so it should be compelling enough to make the visitor click on the website. The keyword should be used in the beginning of the tag and should not be used more than twice. The length of the meta tag description should be less than 125 characters or 18 to 20 words.

Using descriptive H1 and H2 tags effectively

H1 tag is the next important tag after title tag. The keyword should be used in the beginning of the tag and it should be compelling enough to make the visitor read the rest of content. Your content should have lots of sub-heading too. Make sure that the headings are informative rather than vague and convoluted. Avoid fancy language; be direct in headlines of your page.

Optimizing body content to the fullest

The keyword density in the main body text should be around 2 to 4%. There are many free websites that help you in measuring keyword density of your webpages. The keyword should be used in the opening paragraph and in the opening sentence. It would be a good idea to use the keywords heavily in the opening paragraph, but do not overdo it in rest of the content. The keyword should be also used in the middle of the content page and in once in the closing paragraph. A variety of keyword variations should be also used in the content and in the h2 and h3 tags.

Providing descriptive link tags

The keywords variations of the targeted keyword should be used in the hyperlinks of the other links in the website. This gives more weightage to keyword density.

Giving meaningful page names and alt tags for images

Usually people ignore the importance of image names and tags, and many a time they have names such as "4768978" without any tag. Try and use essential keyword in the image name and page name as search engine can read them.

Do Right Marketing offers freelance content writing services. These include writing for the web, intranet, marketing and sales collateral such as case studies, newsletters, whitepapers, articles, blog posts, website navigation, editing, and proofreading, etc. Visit: to know more.

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Sunday, 4 February 2007

I did`nt know I could

I didn’t know I could do it

What do the gurus say about marketing on the Internet? Well they all have different ideas different ways of dealing with so many thousands of aspects. But every one agrees that you must put passion into what you do.

Failure is a dirty word. You have heard of people who have created something out of something so simple, yet it became a big seller. They were persistent and ignored setbacks. They were passionate they loved what they were doing. They had that desire to succeed.

Amway started with soap powder and a stain remover then went on to build an empire. Then when you have cultivated a desire in your customers half the battle is won. I said half the battle because you don`t sit back and relax at that point. You move on to greater thi

So grab a piece of paper and write down all your hobbies, it could be crosswords or puzzles, competitions, motorcycles, cars, even playing a musical instrument.

What about activities, you do in your spare time, like ballet, cooking, or even making something in wood or metal, can you do welding if you can`t go to college be taught. Can you play bowls, could you teach others? So why not get a movie camera and get a friend to make a movie of you actually teaching someone, and sell the end product.

I was talking to my son on the phone a couple of nights ago and as he works for a lift company he was asked to give a lecture to some business people. So he put together a lecture and gave quite a professional talk to a roomful of people who wanted to know about lifts in business.

When I asked him how much he had made, he said oh I gave it for free. I was flabbergasted. Hell Roger I said, you could have laid on a hall with coffee and charged a bundle for something like that. Business people are crying out for information about everything, and here you are giving it away. If you have a talent such as this, exploit it. Well I didn’t know I could do it, he replied. Oh well.

  • If you have a talent, harness it.
  • Being organised is a talent
  • Being able to decorate.
  • Being able to fix anything is.
  • Being able to send people to wonderful locations
  • Being able to organise an auction.
  • Organise a liquidation sale.
  • Notifying people where to find cheap goods to sell on Ebay
  • Showing people how to fish and how to cook what you have caught.
  • Teaching people how to drive.
  • Teaching people how to dance .

They are all talents and there are hundreds more, something to think about eh

Creating information-based products is a fantastic way to start a responsive problem solving way to make some money. When you have made your mind up about what you are going to do, the next step is selling, and this is a very important aspect of marketing. Don`t send out adverts willy-nilly like I did. Just like firing a shotgun into the wide blue yonder. Be selective. Find the hungry crowd looking for what you have to sell. I am told that you can start an optin list of such peple by offering a free product and when you receive there email address don`t take it for granted they want you to send them information, ask them to confirm their address. That way they have more or less given you permission to send them information. This way you avoid spamming, right?

Now that you have got the makings of a list, which is a must for marketers, treat them with respect; nurture them as you would a friend. So remember you are providing a solution to their problems and keep asking them what it is they want. have they got a problem? A sort of How to information service if you like, be it a manual, or a CD or DVD.

I have a lot of ideas so you can call me at anytime as I also have a FREE ebook you can ask for.

Talk to you soon.


Tuesday, 30 January 2007

A little Story

A little story.

I was putting a website together and I was doing a self-build programme and I was getting it together quite well I thought. It is such a good idea and quite reasonable. I used UK, which I had used before and I found staying with the same company for the hosting seemed a good idea as well.

I was doing quite nicely thank you, got most pages done, mistakes did occur of course but were soon put right. Remember I was doing something quite different to what I was used to, but it was exciting .I had a couple of pages devoted to Amazon, selling their books, they were most helpful. Did my sales page, order page and contact page.

I had decided to use as my merchant banker, they were really helpful because I found it very mind boggling linking it all together. So there were emails flying backwards and forwards, but they patiently guided me through it all. That really was the difficult part.

Of course there were doubts creeping in all the time. One that bothered me was, should I use my main email address as contact. Never shouted someone. Then I remembered once before I had launched something and used my primary email address and I was swamped by calls from all sorts of people trying to sell me something, so I have been wary since.

Then suddenly I was stuck solid, I could not get my head around this however I tried, what made so angry was the fact that I had done this all before a year or two ago, built my own site, now here I was floundering, because I could not remember how to set up my thank you page, as I said before I was using Clickbank. I could just as easily have used They now have a fantastic set up. A shopping cart which takes care of everything and where your customers don`t even need to be a credit card holder. I t is quite easy to set up too.

To get back to the point I could not remember how to set up my download at the thank you page. Now every entrepreneur knows that an important point of being a marketer is to know where to get help.

I scoured the local area till I found a computer programmer and the job was sorted quite quickly. Do you know where to find such a person? At your local college is where.

I found something that was eating away in my head for a long time. That is the people who write books for people like Clickbank which you can freely download .They are supposed to help you on your way through difficult patches which all people get, or am I the dense one on this, tell me what you think.

They don`t go into the small details enough. I think they are gurus who are writing to a level who are total beginners who have not got a clue, so the guru has to think “ how should I look at it from the point of view of someone who knows it all, to someone who is unused to the phrases I use every day and the setting up of websites which comes as second nature to me?” Then he would cover the small details, which are probably mysteries to the newcomer, but he doesn’t always do this.

There is a very good book to download by Harvey Segal “ Working With Clickbank” It certainly helped me, but there were a few places where he could have made it clearer.

Here is an example.

This guide I am looking at now and which I used at that time.

We go through the thank you page by Clickbank where they send the customer to after they pay.

On the page we need to:

  • Thank the customer for making the purchase.
  • Display your email address, [ not your main one ] so you can be contacted for assistance if needed.
  • Remind the customer Clickbank/Keynetics will be charging their credit card.
  • Make an exit link once the customer sees you’re your thank you page and make sure they have at least one link to follow.

Now to me it got vague.

You don`t want people to easily type in. and download your product free, now that worried me because ther was no explanation that I could understand HOW. But then I’m dense? No, they think think that all people trying to upgrade themselves are webmasters. Do you get what I mean?

Now then there was a protection for your download. Clickbank offers you and your customers the security of the payments processing. However you are responsible for the security of your products. The visitor could get to your website and could download your product without paying for it .{ They did it with me ]

  • So here are the download problems.
  • Not hiding your down page deep enough
  • You should make a directory to put your thankyou page in, such as “inpage” or”tcpage”

Elucidate please. Now I was lost as I am not a Webmaster, I am a newbie depending on this book to explain what and how. He had me struggling for quite a while.

So I ask Clickbank to explain in fine detail so that even I can understand. This went on for quite a while. We really got to know each other.

Now explain what this means: Not putting a meta tag in your html code that says “no follow” Ughhh! This keeps the search engines from finding it.Now I am completely lost and have to have my fifth coffee.

Now once again as far as I am concerned he is talking to people of his own level and not struggling newbies. These people must write with newbies in mind. Right?

So maybe you won`t use Clickbank. There is a very good alternative, you would have no worries about anything especially set ups. The set up is free, A fantastic shopping cart where your customers don`t even need to be a credit card holder.

And most important Paypal won`t allow the release of your product until they pay.

Talk to you soon.


Sunday, 28 January 2007

In Glorious Bloggo Vision


By kind permission of Phil Gosling better known as Phildee

I was so pleased on reading this message from Phil that I asked his permission to place it on my Blog Here Tis.

I was going to do a completely different blog this morning but a series of e-mails has prompted me to change the subject completely. If you are in the least bit interested in selling information products online, or indeed are doing any kind of marketing on the internet, or indeed anywhere else.., Then this is a vital information that you need to understand. If you know this already then please pass this information on to those who don't Would you like to know how I could make£1 million tomorrow? not you, me, and to be fair it would probably take me a couple of months.

All I need to do is to create a compelling product for others to sell, and to charge them for the privilege of selling it. The reason why this would work is because the vast majority of people are fixated, and I mean fixated, on the weird notion that all they need is a product to sell.

Every week I get several e-mails from people whom I am desperately sorry for and really, really want to help. They invariably ask me to give them a product that they can sell. The list of so-called experts who would be willing to sell them such a product would be long indeed, and I am not one of them because I know it's a waste of time.

The problem is compounded by the irony of also receiving e-mails from people who have spent large sums of money buying sets of products they can sell tomorrow” and ask me how to sell them, or at least how to get their money back. A meaner minded person than me would put those people desperate for products in contact with those people desperate to sell them.I don`t think so.

This fixation on products comes about because we've all seen experts and gurus all over the world selling software, books, courses –i.e. products, and making good money as a result. So the mindset is obvious. If “ Guru” is making money selling a product, then all I need is a product to become a guru.

Never in the lamentable history of home business rip-offs has such a notion caused so many people to lose money and hope.

I plead with you to take on board what I am about to say because it is the true secret of online or off-line success. If you approach the whole business from this new direction of then your chances of success have been magnified beyond all recognition.

The product means nothing unless you have someone to sell it to This does not necessarily mean that you need to have a list of your own customers or your own prospects to contact. It means that you must know where your potential customers are and you must know how to contact them. Above all if you have no idea of a product then it is absolutely wrong - completely incorrect – to start looking for products, never mind trying to flog somebody else`s product through their affiliate programme.

The absolute secret of success is to look for a market of potential customers first, for example, widget lovers. Then you look at ways of contacting this audience easily. Finally you should check to see if there is an abundance of potential JV partners available.

So let us assume that widgets is your hobby, interest, problem or area of expertise, or just something you enthuse about. There are two ways to sell widget - related products: direct to the customer [e.g. adwords ] or by creating a joint venture with someone who already has a large established list of widget enthusiasts. The most obvious place for this is an online news letter.

You can establish how big the widget marketplace is by typing widget, and widget news letter into Google. The sponsored links down the right hand side of the the Google page tell you that this is a commercial environment, which is good. If there are no sponsored links then it either means there is no market for sales or you have miraculously discovered a previously untapped market. This is highly unlikely.

Examining the main section of the Google page allows you to establish the kind of websites devoted to widgets. Do some of these websites have book stores within them? Do they have online news letters? what you're looking for is the potential for either JVs, publishing articles, or even placing adverts.

You`ll notice that at no point have I yet discussed products. That's because a huge range of products becomes obvious when you find a market first. In our example, having found out how to contact a large number of widget enthusiasts we can now do one of two things or both . We can either consider creating our own product, which may be an e book, course, audio-visual presentation or whatever, and/or we can go hunting for a wide range of affiliated products to offer to that market.

The most common, massive mistake to make when looking at a career in online publishing is to create, or buy -in a product without having a detailed plan of who to offer it to, and how too offer it. I`ll set up an Adword “is not a plan. It`s a shot in the dark.

This is easier to see if we move away from online marketing and talk about direct mail . Would you create a product, for example an educational course, and spend a year writing it only to find out that there was no lists of potential customers available from mailing list brokers? Completely crazy, yet this is what people are doing on the internet every single day and I am starting to get to the stage where I've stopped banging my own head against the wall and want to start smacking a few other people's heads against the wall instead.

I call myself a renegade lemming, but all the gurus are renegade lemmings. All the ordinary lemmings are trying to sell products they have no audience for. The renegades walk the other way and trade products to audiences they know are there and know how to contact both cheaply and easily.

So I beg you to get away from product mentality into market mentality. Embrace the notion of finding a market first, researching its potential first, researching the potential of JV partners first and then, only then, consider either your own product or someone else`s affiliated product.

Please do this, because if you don't you`ll stay poor and I will turn into a gibbering idiot.

Waddya mean turn…!

Many thanks to Phil Gosling [Phildee] for allowing me to print this on my blog for you.

Talk to you soon.

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Windy blast 2

Windy Blast 2

Hello. I said I would mention Ebay, well everyone raves about Ebay but there are a lot of things to notice about the way some vendors conduct their selling.

It`s a wonder they sell anything at all and they could certainly do a lot better, in fact thinking about just that , an enterprising person could make a living telling them where they are going wrong and charging a fee.

For instance have you noticed in the clothing category you see expensive coats and jackets for sale , but in what a way. Looks like they have just laid the coats, dresses, jackets on the floor or over a chair, and photographed it. It looks absolutely scruffy.

Now wouldn’t it look better if a lovely young woman was stylishly posed in the coat, dress or jacket. Don`t tell me that these people don`t have a lovely girl friend that would be glad to pose. No one is suggesting that they pay a model to do it for them, they have suitable friend

This even goes for car vendors, have a nice young lady slouched nonchalantly in the drivers seat. Another idea if they are selling 4 x 4 s don’t have it all polished up and shiny. No, take it down a dirty old lane and get it filthy, then pose beside it in your scruffiest car coat and wellingtons. Don`t laugh, it`s not silly . I tell you it will put Dollars on it.. Be Told.

When you are putting in your text for whatever, direct your presentation to one person, your selling to one person not thousands, he or she is your buddy. Write your text accordingly and you will notice a difference. Don`t be too eager in your presentation, it will show in your writng , be laid back about it but don`t fall over.

Ever really thought about checking out these sites I have been talking about? There are a lot of them believe me So, how do you go about finding these sites? Easy.

First, log on to ebay, when you get the page look for favourite Categories, these categories.

  • Books, comic an magazines
  • Clothes ,shoes
  • Collectables
  • DVDs and TV
  • Health and beauty
  • Jewellery and watches
  • Music
  • PC and video
  • Photography

I wonder why they are favourite? I should think because these are the type of things that can be easily sent by post.

Now look for the box that says search and click it,

Click the buy it now tab and wait for the results. This shows sellers using “buy it now” features.

Click customise display which is on the right

When the new page loads you`ll see two white boxes

In the left hand one is “type of seller” click it once

Now click the arrows >> to move what you`ve clicked over to the right hand box.

Scroll down and click the check box next to “ display feedback info” the tick appears in the box.

Look down for the sort by drop down menu.

Click the down pointing arrow to show the menu.

Click price: Highest first.

Scroll up and click on customise search options.

When the new page loads look in the left hand box for type of seller again Click it once/

Now click the arrows>> to move it over to the right hand box.

Scroll down further and click save.

When the new page loads your search results appear.

Scroll down and look on the left for the check box next to “ Type of seller”

Click it so that a tick appears.

Look down now and click the downward pointing arrow to reveal a drop down menu that has business and private in it.

Click business just to make sure

Look down a bit then Click “ show items”

You will see the abundant amount of items found.

Now if you are the type of person who thinks he can show these people with the poor photos and crummy presentations how it should be done for a sizable fee, then go to it.

Now I got a questioning email from a lady who was having trouble with her Bonsai plants.

Which I will try to help next time


Sunday, 21 January 2007

Windy blast


My name is Al Sowerby. I was born quite a few years ago in a village at the foot of Crossfell as you may not know is in Cumbria in the United Kingdom.

This Blog is not going to be about Families or birthdays all that clutter. This is going to be about Information on a whole manner of things. Variable because of the input I hope I am going to get from you.

I know it is going to be variable as I have already had emails from quite a lot of people and they certainly were mixed. But all linked together on the main theme, The Web.

So I m going to kick off with a point that is growing to tremendous heights of late, and I may say with thousands of different themes.

I have been questioned about Adsence by Google. Questions on Guidelines, what makes Adsense special? Even its misuses, Oh yes and there are some creeping in. But I am sure Google are up to it, it is not easy to fool Google for long.

Of course adding Adsence to your web page is easy, that is what they always say don‘t they. That’s because THEY KNOW, AND NEARLY EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS EASY. But not to someone who is not greatly computer literate. I think that is the proper term

. They say, all you have to do is copy the code from your Adsense account, when you have one. You will see it there in code box; also it is very important that you paste the code in the body tags of your html page. That is if you want it to run at all.

Also you make sure that three ad units are the maximum specified by Google Adsense, and no more than one link unit per page. And never mess with the Adsense code in any way, just paste it in as is, no changes.

Google Adsense is a bright light in the advertising system, but there again wrong/illegal methods are used to increase revenue. One glaring example is websites that do not use any useful content but use keyword loaded information, which could fool the search engines, but I think only for a time. Or the use of lashings of free content, The lesson is, never use schemes that will get you kicked out of the greatest thing going.

.So Google Adsense is special, but why?

Google have basic control over the ads that are displayed on the websites but the website owner is able to customize how the ad looks and also filter certain ones. Another thing I did not know. Colour has a lot to do with attracting customers to sign up. Did you know that? You didn’t? Then try the colours red and yellow. Let me know what happens.

Thoughtfully these ads are related to the theme the website caters for. This is not used often anywhere else.

Of course it is obvious that the visitors to the website containing Google Adsense ads are doing so because they are looking for that topic or theme. They would not stay long otherwise. So if the topic is related they might be tempted to click, so everyone is happy.

Of course the website owners usually get revenue for their displays but not always which makes a happy bunny too. Then again they are such an improvement on banner ads, they take up little space and are clear and readable.

So we all join together and give three hearty cheers to Google Adsense advertising programs.


What is a blog? funny name isn‘t it so what should we say it is? Is it simply the jottings of what goes round ones head ? As I said before Blogs could be family orientated or amongst friends or maybe companies. Lots do it for fun, others to make money. Of course the real intention is to update it frequently, how frequently? Once a week , once a month?

It can be written like a newspaper but more personally. Something to think about.

I remember being told a long time ago when I was writing a book.This Guru, yes I knew some Guru‘s. He said, just put your words down as if you were talking to a friend sitting across the table from you, and you know how friends get engrossed in what they are discussing, let that same feeling seep into your writing and it will show.

Don‘t stop, keep going sentence after sentence, page after page, let it flow, just get your thoughts down on paper, you can clean it up later; but not too much. It has to be written just as if you were sitting there telling your friend a story. I did write the book, it was called Money From Honey I sold a few copies then sold the rights to it. It is still kicking around.

Do you like books, are you a reader or do you have a large collection of books cluttering your home. Well go to

Sign up as a member, costs nothing, When you get your user name and password, log into Amazon and at the browser you will see [sell my stuff] Click on this and this will take you to a page where you are asked to enter the ISBN number of the book you want to sell.

All books have this number either on the back cover or just inside the front cover. When you have entered the number, If the book is on Amazon`s lists, a new page will pop up with the name of the book and how much that book is selling for by Amazon `s shop. This is where you set your price. You set down the price you are asking, obviously lower than Amazon`s price. Then it is given a listing number and the jobs done , you have a book being sold by Amazon and it has cost you nothing. So off you go to the next book you have to sell.

This is all free of course until you sell , and then they take a small percentage. They also charge the customer the going rate for post and package that is also yours.

You will be notified when it is sold and they like to give you two days to post it off, and there it is, done. Great Eh.

Of course there comes a time when you are fresh out of books to sell. So then off you go to charity shops, book shops, garage sales to buy books cheaply, it`s surprising how many there are, and it`s fun.

Then again you can write your own ebook to sell on ebay or from a website. There are so many subjects to choose from, but the favourite idea is a subject you love and can be passionate about.

Gardening is a favourite one, there are so many categories, from flowers, shrubs, plants trees, fruit trees, and soil, composting, it’s a huge subject.

You just need to find a target of hungry people with a problem and you solve it, It could be dog training, how to bring up a newly acquired puppy, no easy task and hundreds of related problems. If you don’t know then find out from books and talking vets and other dog owners.

I will talk to you later but first of all I have a bit of news to the UK readers only. I have a free report, which will get you a bit excited. The title is :How to get what you want for less than you want to pay. It’s very and the coming weeks it is going to get even more exciting. So just call me at your free report..


PS . Next time I want to give you some tips about buying and selling on eBay